Friday, November 23, 2007

Additional Process Information

The dunning notices are generated automatically using the dunning program. This program determines which accounts and which items are to be dunned. It also determines the dunning level and creates the dunning notice, based on the relevant dunning level. The program prints the dunning notices and updates the dunning data in the overdue items and in the master data of the customer being dunned.

You use a dunning procedure to control the dunning run. You can define as many dunning procedures as you require. You can also define multiple dunning levels for each dunning procedure. The system selects the dunning texts according to the dunning levels.

With Enjoy, the system automatically suggests tax code AN (16%) for company code 1000 and tax code S1 for company code 3000 in customer invoice creation.

In addition, the screen variant is created with business area. The entry-relevant columns are the G/L account, the posting key, the amount, the amount currency, and the business area.

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