Sunday, November 25, 2007

Scheduling a Complete Task List in the Daily Overview


You can schedule a complete task list. The advantage of doing so is that you can use the same task list each month for scheduling purposes simply by changing the start date and time.


Before you can schedule the complete task list, you must specify a relative start timerelatives Startdatum for each task in the task list. This schedules the sequence of tasks independently of the concrete start date of the task list.

Scheduling a Complete Task List in the Daily Overview

  1. Select the highest node of the task list with the right mouse button.
  2. Choose Schedule.
  3. Specify when the task list should be run.
    You can choose between:
  • Starting on the current day
  • Starting on any other day

Scheduling the Complete Task List

Before actually scheduling the task list, you can run a simulation.RESET N1

  1. Select the highest node of the task list with the right mouse button.
  2. Choose Simulation of scheduling.
  3. Specify when the task list should be run.

  4. The system outputs a list showing the starting dates of the tasks in the task list.

Deleting the Scheduling of a Complete Task List

  1. Select the scheduled task list in the daily overview.
  2. Choose Delete.

  3. The system outputs a table showing the statuses of the tasks in the task list.


You can decide when the jobs in the task list should be started. For more information, refer to Controlling Whether Jobs Are StartedJobs "freigeben".

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