Friday, November 23, 2007

Additional Process Information in fi

As the data in Cash Management is displayed as totals records per value day, it is necessary to determine the planning group in the customer master record. When entering an order or when billing at a later time the system updates the totals record of this planning group in the cash management and forecast. By processing the various phases of the sales process the system also processes the planning data respectively. This means that the order is displayed in the corresponding totals item ("SD-Orders") at first. When the billing document is created, the system updates the totals record for the "open receivables". The amount of the order in cash management is diminished of this amount at this time. The same is true for incoming payments. This link shall be displayed within this and a later part of this scenario beginning with the billing document created.

The amounts are then displayed in the cash management position; The open receivables totals are diminished for this amount.

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