Saturday, November 24, 2007

Configuring the Functional Areas

It organize your business for cost of sales accounting. It allow you to segregate and classify different types of costs within one expense account. For e.g. a single labour account to determine what amount of labour is spent directly on production as compare to sales or hr.

OKBD - Maintain Functional Area

GGB1 - Maintain Functional Area Subsititions

Subsititions replace and fill in field values behind the scenes without the users knowledge. It is activated at the company code level.

For e.g. Subsitiution BAA Step 001

$KOSAR = 'M'

Field Constant value
Profit center P1234

If condition is met field Profit center will be replaced with P1234.

GS01 - Creating a set for FUNCTAREA

  • Table - ACCIT
  • Field Name - HKONT
From Value To Value
10000 12000

OBBZ - Prepare Cost of Sales Accounting

CC CallPnt Validation Description Activtn Level
0001 5 BAA 1

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